Got questions?

Questions are the root of all answers. Don't Be Shy!

Get them answered here or email hi@jjcresswell.com.

What does a copywriter do?

Every copywriter is different and at its core, it all comes down to making money through words. I specialise in writing high-performing websites, blog articles and social media campaigns to market your business. 

What is SEO copywriting / SEO content writing?

SEO copywriting or content writing basically means that the work I write for you will perform well online. If you want to increase your visibility and traffic or decrease your bounce rate, I’m your wordsmith wingwoman. Writing for SEO is a delicate art where a writer has learned not only what your audience wants, but how to get the search engines on your side on a technical level. We are a rare breed!

Do you offer services beyond website, blog and social media content?

Yes. If it’s writing involved that’s where I shine. Some examples of other work I have done are Slogans, Proofreading Documents, Newsletters, Product Reviews, Consultancy Support and Workshops, LinkedIn Articles, Landing Page Optimisation and Product Descriptions. Try me! I am always up for a challenge.

What is Search Engine Optimisation? (SEO)

SEO is defined as the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic (and other metrics) to a website or a web page from search engines. It targets unpaid traffic rather than paid traffic. You can also do this through SEO keywords and other SEO methods for content writing too like blog articles. 

How much does it cost?

How long is a piece of string? Sorry. Bad joke. But in all seriousness, it really depends on what service you need and the quantity. My hourly rate is £50, which places me in the average cost for an experienced copywriter according to the stats. Please get in touch for a project estimate.

Is it cheaper to do the writing myself?

Of course it is, but you will pay for it in the long run.

Think of it like this, if you are working in an office and the printer breaks down, you need to fix it. You could spend most of the day trying to do it yourself, but you will lose a day’s work you could be earning. You also don’t know the technicalities. Or you can pay a professional who can achieve the best results and fix the printer within 1-2 hours.

Your content is no different. It’s always better to invest than pay more to fix a problem you should have outsourced in the first place! (Trust me… I have learnt the hard way. I am no accountant.)

How long does it take to complete a project?

It is up to my diary. Most projects take between 1-2 weeks depending on the quantity. Reach out and let’s see where I can fit you in.

I need urgent copy. Can you help?

Possibly. Get in touch. Depending on my current client commitments at the time, Please note, that there may be a quick turnaround fee as is expected in the copywriting industry.

What if I need to change my copywriting / content writing brief?

Some clients require me to make some changes to the work I do for them. That’s fine. However, as it will be a fixed-price agreement, I do have to limit the time I spend rewriting and editing. An agreement therefore includes:

  • An initial delivery of a complete copy document.

  • One subsequent round of changes, if required.

  • Any changes beyond a subsequent round of changes will incur additional costs for the time taken to complete as this falls beyond the accounted hours in a budget.

What is the difference between copywriting and content writing?

Copywriting and content writing are spoken about as if they are the same thing now that everything is online. But copywriting is anything that is in print like magazines, PR and advertisements. Websites can be discussed as copy or content, and social media and blogs fall into the content writing category. Honestly, it’s all marketing so don’t get strung up on the terminology (I’ll handle that for you!)

Why should I choose you over another writer for my marketing?

I have almost a decade of marketing experience in SEO, copywriting, social media, and blog content.

My business model enables me to work directly with you to create outstanding copywriting and content writing services, without the excessive price tag of an agency. You also get exclusive professional support from my dedicated team of freelancers or strategic partners to reach your marketing goals.

Do you offer reduced /discounted rates for large amounts of copy projects?

I cannot offer discounts for large amounts of content. I am a real-life person who takes the time to create high-performing work for my clients. I do a variety of different packages though, so get in touch to find out how I can help. 

I am a start-up with not much of a budget. Can you help me?

I have a soft spot for start-up businesses. Although I have fixed rates and cannot discount my services, I am always able to find the best packages for your budget. Let’s talk!

Do you ask for a deposit?

Yes. All projects require a 50% deposit upfront for me to begin the work. (This comes with signed terms of engagement too.)

What is your process?

The first step is getting in touch. My process starts with finding out what you need and we go from there. I will then have a detailed conversation with you and if you are happy with the budget, I will start the project after a deposit and agreement is signed. All you have to do now is have a cuppa as I work away on your content.

What if I don't like what you have written?

Sometimes my clients require some tweaks, and that’s fine. It’s why I always offer one round of changes in every project budget if they are required. Happy clients = happy writer.

Will my copy be kept confidential?

Sure. All your information is kept confidential throughout our collaboration and even afterwards. The only thing I ever share is the final project in my portfolio or on social media sometimes. This is amazing for your SEO so there’s something in it for you too. I can sign an NDA too if you need it. 

I would like to work with you. What do I need to do now?

That’s awesome! I can’t wait to work with you. You can call, email or LinkedIn direct message me. Simply reach out via email at hi@jjcresswell.com. To get the quickest response, call the office on 07828395903 or drop me a direct message via LinkedIn, which you can find on my contact page.  

Let’s talk…

Questions are the root of all answers.
Don’t Be Shy!