PORTFOLIO / automotive & Marketing

BLOGs / website / social media content:

Motorcycle Marketing is a marketing company that supports bike brands with influencer, content and social media content. They requested a full website copy project and continuous blogs and social media content to drive traffic to the website and build their LinkedIn page following. 

All Support Provided: 

SEO Website Copy |SEO Blog Campaigns | LinkedIn Social Media Content | Keyword Research | Regular Site Page Optimisation | Brand Voice & Copy Layout Consultancy

KEY Results:

 A 876% page view increase on the LinkedIn company page


(Jan 2022 – Feb 2022)




 The company received a high-performing and regularly updated website to show their credibility


(Jan 2022 – May 2022)




 An average of 5.9K post impressions on the LinkedIn page  

(April 2022 – May 2022)

 A 797% increase of unique visitors to the LinkedIn page (including contact from targeted brands)


(Jan 2022 – Feb 2022)




 Consistent and high-ranking blogs to demonstrate the company’s knowledge in the marketing and motorcycle industry


(Jan 2022 – May 2022)

 A 1,050% increase of custom button clicks on the LinkedIn page


(Jan 2022 – Feb 2022)




View Some of the Live Content: